SUPERIOR, Wis. – Frustrated at statehouses around the country, LGBT advocates are increasingly looking to local governments to outlaw a practice they see as dehumanizing and dangerous.
Superior became the eighth Wisconsin city to ban gay conversion therapy when the City Council passed the measure unanimously on Tuesday.
"Conversion therapy is absolutely wrong. It's not just an unethical practice; it's child abuse, it's torture of children," Mayor Jim Paine told the Star Tribune on Thursday. "It has happened in Superior and it could happen in Superior again."
No Minnesota cities have banned the practice — which seeks to change someone's sexual orientation or identity — though several are considering bans in the wake of the Minnesota Legislature's stalled effort to enact one this spring.
"We have been in discussions with several cities to look at putting forward local ordinances in Minnesota," said Jacob Thomas, spokesman for OutFront Minnesota. "We know that conversion therapy is harmful, we know it's happening in Minnesota and across the country, and it has been discounted by every major medical association."
Duluth City Council President Noah Hobbs said he's asked stakeholders to help craft an ordinance, though it could be some time before the council takes it up.
"We're certainly exploring it, but we're in very early stages," he said.
In Superior, many community members spoke out in support of the ban.