(The Minnesota Star Tribune)
Good times
It is being reported, in case you didn't hear, that former Gophers football coach Tim Brewster has reportedly been hired as the new wide receivers coach at Mississippi State. All joking aside -- let's get this out there first -- we are legitimately happy for Brew. He's a football coach, and now he gets to do what he enjoys. And in our limited dealing, he was always a good sport with us -- particularly in our Twitter follower contest between Brewster and Brian Cardinal, for which he accepted a prize of a RandBall T-shirt -- despite our penchant for #cheapeningit. That said, Brew is perhaps best known here for the legacy of colorful phrases left behind -- most of which are contained within this priceless video that we watch at least once every few months. The enduring phrase is "Get your chili hot," but there are plenty of others. In that spirit, we had an admittedly weird idea. We Googled "Chili and Starkville" in search of a restaurant. Turns out there is a Chili's restaurant in Starkville, Miss. -- home of Mississippi State -- to ask a series of Brewster phrase related questions. The woman who answered the phone clearly wanted nothing to do with us (and yes, we identified ourselves and why we were calling), but she passed us along to the manager, Jay. Here is the conversation that ensued about the Chili's menu and Coach Brew:
RandBall: This is going to sound really off the wall. But I do a sports blog here, and former Minnesota football coach Tim Brewster was just hired as wide receivers coach at Mississippi State. He was known for a ton of expressions. One of them was "get your chili hot." ... Would you be able to help me out?
Jay from Chili's: Sure.
RB: OK, now you serve chili, right?
JFC: Yes.
RB: What's your hottest chili?
JFC: It's just one kind. Regular chili. It's not very hot.
RB: It's not very hot? What kind of chili is it?
JFC: Just regular meat and beans.
RB: Let's say I came into your Chili's and I was hungry. What would be a good thing to order?
JFC: Like really hungry? Probably some ribs.
RB: What if I was starving. Like the hungriest I could possibly be?
JFC: I'd say a steak, probably.
RB: The ribs sound like they might be expensive. If I'm going to get some, I'd better bring some. How much money do I need?
JFC: The ribs? Depends on half or full rack. Half is $11.99. Full is $19.99.
RB: That's not too bad. And do you have anything on your menu that's raw -- like real raw?
JFC: That's raw? You can get a steak rare. That's about it.
RB: That's it? You don't have raw foods like vegetables? A salad?
JFC: Oh yeah, you can get a salad.
Instead of relying on the kinds of moves that might be popular with those outside the organization, Finch stuck to the real work of coaching.