Nov. 14, 2015: Jamar Clark, 24, and RayAnn Hayes, 41, attend a party at a north Minneapolis apartment building. Late at night, Clark and Hayes fight. Hayes hurts her ankle.
The Jamar Clark shooting: A timeline
A review of the events since the November shooting of Minneapolis resident Jamar Clark.
Nov. 15, 12:20 a.m.: Hayes calls 911 , according to investigative reports. Paramedics arrive and carry Hayes, who is injured and intoxicated, down the stairs and out of the building. They encounter Clark. According to the report, Hayes says, "That's the guy who did this to me." Hearing this, the paramedics call for police backup. Clark approaches the paramedics, berates them, and attempts to enter the ambulance. A paramedic supervisor who is on duty expresses concern about Clark's behavior.
Nov. 15, 12:49 a.m.: Minneapolis police officers Mark Ringgenberg, 30, and Dustin Schwarze, 28, approach Clark. They ask him to remove his hands from his pockets. He refuses. They attempt to handcuff him. Clark resists and Schwarze drops his handcuffs. Ringgenberg takes Clark to the ground. They struggle, and Clark gets his hand on Ringgenberg's gun, though it remains holstered.
Nov. 15, 12:50 a.m.: Schwarze shoots Clark in the head. Protests begin that night with some witnesses claiming Clark was handcuffed when he was shot
Nov. 16: Clark is removed from life support. City officials ask the U.S. Justice Department to investigate the shooting, even as the state Bureau of Criminal Apprehension (BCA) launches its own probe into the incident.
Nov. 17: Protesters march from 4th Precinct to I-94 freeway, blocking traffic and resulting in arrests.
Nov. 18: Authorities identify the two officers involved in the shooting, as Mark Ringgenberg, 30, and Dustin Schwarze, 28, as protesters maintain their round-the-clock presence outside the police station near where Clark was shot.
Nov. 21: Gov. Mark Dayton sits down with Clark's family and asks them to meet with federal investigators.
Nov. 23: Dayton says that video footage from an ambulance at the scene where Clark was fatally shot by police appeared to be inconclusive.
Later that night, five protesters are shot during a confrontation with several men near the Black Lives Matter encampment in what witnesses described as a racially motivated attack.
Nov. 24: Nearly 1,000 people march to City Hall in solidarity with the protest over Clark's death. Police announce the arrest of several men in connection with the previous night's shooting near the precinct protest.
Nov. 25: A funeral for Jamar Clark is held at Shiloh Temple International Ministries in Minneapolis. More than 300 people attended.
Dec. 3: Dozens of police officers dismantle the protest encampment and evict protesters in the middle of the night.
Dec. 23: Hundreds of protesters shut down stores at the Mall of America, light-rail trains and traffic to the airport.
Jan. 6, 2016: Schwarze and Ringgenberg return to desk duty.
Feb. 9: The ACLU and the NAACP sue the BCA for the release of video footage connected to Clark's death, claiming the agency is violating state laws requiring public access to the footage.
Feb. 10: The BCA finishes its investigation into the shooting and turns its findings over to the Hennepin County attorney's office for review.
March 25: In advance of a decision on whether the two Minneapolis police officers would be indicted, Police Chief Janee Harteau issued a stern public warning that protesters who interfere with public safety would be arrested.
March 30: Hennepin County Attorney Mike Freeman says evidence does not support charges against officers Schwarze and Ringgenberg.