The sign over the door at Schmidt's Meat Market in Nicollet, Minn., says "Willkommen," letting customers know that they will be able to pig out on authentic German fare.
With a smokehouse, butchering operation, sausage kitchen and retail store, Schmidt's is thriving in its 68th year, run by the founder's grandson. Many of the customers for its signature fresh wursts, bacon varieties, jerky and deli meats are third-generation, too.
"Lots of people make a jog out of their way to come see us. We're a destination," said Lynnita Schmidt, who operates the shop with her husband, Ryan. "People grew up coming to Schmidt's."
Today, Minnesota and Wisconsin have the nation's highest concentration of mom-and-pop meat markets, and it's no wonder. Sausages arrived in the region before it was carved into territories.
"The Germans and Norwegians were skilled sausage makers and they brought the tradition with them," said Ryan Cox, a professor of meat science at the University of Minnesota. "Sausage making began centuries before refrigeration, when salting and curing preserved meat. It became an important part of our heritage and Main Street culture."
That tradition may be one reason why giving up meat is unthinkable for many die-hard carnivores, even when the news mounts that regular consumption has serious health consequences. Recently a report from an international panel convened by the World Health Organization declared, after evaluating hundreds of studies, that there was sufficient epidemiological evidence to classify red meat as "probably" carcinogenic. It also linked processed meat, such as bacon, hot dogs and sausage, to colorectal cancer.
Our collective craving for animal flesh began thousands of years before medieval European sausage makers figured out how to use every part of the pig. Meat is humankind's old flame, a throwback to our caveman origins.
"Eating meat is part of the adaptation that allowed people to survive, especially in latitudes closer to the poles where there was little to eat in winter before plants and animals were domesticated," said Michael Wilson, an associate professor who teaches evolutionary anthropology at the University of Minnesota.