Judy Davis works for a nonprofit organization helping homeless families overcome obstacles, find a place to live and bring stability to their children's lives. "Kids are my passion," Davis said. "Anything I can do to help kids, that's what I'm here for."
The St. Paul woman is happy with her job and plans to continue working as long as she can. Which is good because, at 57, Davis has saved very little money to live on in retirement.
"Do I live paycheck to paycheck? Pretty damn close," she said. "If I had to retire I would be broke pretty soon. I could probably survive six months to a year."
Scary though her situation sounds, Davis is far from alone. As 76 million baby boomers head into retirement, well over half, according to some estimates, don't have enough money to last throughout their old age. The nation is hurtling toward a retirement financial crisis.
The National Institute on Retirement Security (NIRS) calculates that two-thirds of households age 55-64 have savings equal to less than their annual income. A third have no savings at all.
Even the more optimistic projections are grim. The Employee Benefit Research Institute (EBRI) estimates that 57 percent of boomers are prepared to support themselves in retirement at their current standard of living. But that leaves 43 percent who aren't — including millions of middle-class and low-income Americans, and even some with higher incomes, who could run through their savings within 20 years of leaving work. Many sooner.
The outlook is especially dire for women, who on average have shorter work histories, smaller paychecks and longer life spans, as well as for people who will eventually need expensive long-term care. Minorities are disproportionately at risk. Households of all ages are dangerously short on savings, though younger people have more time to try to catch up.
Although the problem is predicted in mountains of research conducted by multiple organizations, it's still low-profile as looming crises go, not widely discussed in the media or over kitchen tables.