The trouble with "Bhutanese Passport."

Who's being trolled?

March 27, 2015 at 5:33PM

BOOOO-tineese passsspoat.

The wikipedia edit page has the various arguments for deletion, such as:

Right. And so:

This remix appears rather new. Well, five days old, which is seven months on the internet. Here's the thing that makes this characteristic of the conundrums of internet culture: If the "Bhutanese Passport" reading is deleted because it has become a meme and subject to ridicule, then it's something with enough cultural significance to merit its own Wikipedia page, regardless of whether it's inadvertently distorted or intended to mock or demean. Meanwhile, the discussions are fascinating, in that endlessly anal-retentive way Wiki editors have perfected:

And so on. Perhaps someone gets around to going to the user: page for the fellow who uploaded the file. He doesn't seem to be trolling. Doesn't matter; the original has been deleted, and replaced by an audio file that's odd in its own way.

NOT REALLY Let's overstate the matter and say that optical illusions "prove everything we know is wrong." Of course that's not true. For example: I know, today, that this link takes you the page that says everything I know is wrong.

Rote internet arrogance aside, it's a nice collection of optical illusions.

Trending on Kinja, by the way, is this headline: "Man Forced to Sell His New house Because Comcast Lied to Him." Really? Is that possible? Well, it's a bit more complex than that. The OP is more interesting, if you like long customer-service rants. Which I do. It's a modern art form, like the epistolary novel.

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