The Twins, the road and walkoff homers against them this season
May 4, 2018 at 5:06AM
Why are the Twins 3-10 on the road? In part because they have given up four walkoff homers, two each by Addison Reed and Fernando Rodney:
March 29, Bal 3, Min 2 (11): Adam Jones (Rodney)
April 22, TB 8, Min 6: Carlos Gomez (Reed)
April 26, NYY 4, Min 3: Gary Sanchez (Rodney)
May 3, CWS 6, Min 5: Trayce Thompson (Reed)
about the writer
Brandon Winokur, who at 6-6 is also being tested in the outfield, fielded flawlessly and had a hit and stolen base for the big-league team Tuesday.