The ultimate hazard: golfer loses arm to alligator on golf course

It's unbelievable, but believe it.

October 9, 2009 at 5:02PM

From the AP:

Officials say an alligator bit off part of a golfer's arm as he leaned over to pick up his ball at a private South Carolina course. The man, who is in his 70s, was retrieving his ball from a pond when the 10-foot alligator bit him at Ocean Creek Golf Course in Beaufort County.

The gator pulled the golfer into the pond and ripped off his arm in the struggle. His golf partners were able to free him. Wildlife workers killed the alligator and retrieved the arm in the hopes it might be reattached. The man has not been identified.

He was being treated at the Medical University of South Carolina, but officials there would not release any information about him. A call to the golf course was not immediately returned.

So yeah, it's going to be too cold to golf here pretty soon. But at least we don't have to deal with alligator attacks on the course. Always remember that.

about the writer

Michael Rand

Columnist / Reporter

Michael Rand is the Star Tribune's Digital Sports Senior Writer and host/creator of the Daily Delivery podcast. In 25 years covering Minnesota sports at the Star Tribune, he has seen just about everything (except, of course, a Vikings Super Bowl).

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