A state plan to harvest a section of beloved old-growth forest near Ely has riled some of the thousands of hikers and skiers who use it each year to experience northern Minnesota as it once was.
Foresters for the Minnesota Department of Natural Resources (DNR) describe the plan as routine forest management that would improve the long-term vitality of the woods.
Nearby residents, cross-country skiers and other forest ecologists question the project's necessity and are urging the DNR to hold off; the parcel includes an extensive trail system that is one of the few ways to get into the Boundary Waters Canoe Area Wilderness (BWCA) on foot.
But there is more at stake than one small parcel of forest. Conservationists see it as an early test of how the state will manage Minnesota's northern forests now that Gov. Mark Dayton, at the urging of the forest products industry, has directed the DNR to increase timber harvests from state lands.
"I will be interested to see how the state responds," said Don Arnosti, program director for the Izaak Walton League, a leading Minnesota conservation group. "Are they grabbing every cord they can because they have to meet quotas? Or when they have a unique place, can they slow down and measure twice and cut once?"
DNR officials said that the project near the north arm of Burntside Lake is unrelated to the higher timber harvests and that it was planned before Dayton's decision. The goal is to take out one-third of the mature trees on 62 acres of forest to encourage the regeneration of long-lived pines.
"We have to start growing younger ones," said Forrest Boe, the DNR's forestry director. "So their grandkids will still be able to see big pines."
The backdrop, however, is an extensive review to determine whether the state's 3.4 million acres of commercially productive forest can handle a significant increase in annual harvesting.