The city of Minneapolis wants you to stop driving to the grocery store.
These kinds of routine errands account for an outsized percentage of driving trips, city planners say, contributing in a big way to Minneapolis's struggle to reduce its environmental footprint.
In drafting the 2040 Comprehensive Plan, city planners have been revisiting Minneapolis' ambitious 2014 goal to cut greenhouse gas emissions by 80 percent by 2050. In order to make good on this commitment, they say the city needs to reduce driving trips in Minneapolis by 37 percent.
"What we're saying is, what 37 percent of trips could you eliminate from your life?" said Paul Mogush, city planning manager. "And what would it take to help you get there?"
The city's answer includes bringing more goods and services closer to where people already live, such as allowing for more commercial businesses in highly populated areas. In other words: "Put the stuff closer together so it's easier to get to the stuff," said Mogush.
The city's 2040 plan lays out a long-range vision for the future of Minneapolis. It includes a series of interconnected, big-picture goals, such as building more affordable housing, creating more living-wage jobs and making the city more resilient to climate change.
Since the city released its first draft this spring, most of the conversation has focused on proposals to rezone the city to make way for more multiunit housing, including fourplexes in what are now neighborhoods of single-family homes. That has generated lawn-sign campaigns and dozens of spirited community meetings.
As the city prepares to release a revised draft later this month, officials are working to solidify long-term goals to reduce Minneapolis' emissions, and how land use could be part of that strategy.