What are Christians giving up for Lent — or at least those on Twitter?
A fresh analysis shows that Chipotle is up, McDonald's is down. Forgoing Juuling is up, quitting smoking is down. And hot Cheetos are hot items to sacrifice, while Doritos — not so much.
Social networking and alcohol, however, are always near the top of the list of Lent sacrifices, according to a 10-year analysis of Twitter by the website OpenBible.info.
"It's a little ironic that people on social media say they are giving up social media by using social media," said Stephen Smith, a Christian technology manager based in South Carolina who has tracked the tweets since 2009.
Last week marked the beginning of Lent, the six weeks leading up to Easter during which many Christians give up a vice or something they really like. Smith has used Twitter to analyze tens of thousands of annual Lent-related tweets, including 42,000 so far this year.
Several popular categories top the charts consistently, including chocolate, meat, sweets, fast food and social media — often Twitter in particular, ironically.
So far this year, sex and soda are also in the top 10.
Within the fast food category, Chick-fil-A has outpaced McDonald's over the years. Among snack foods, hot Cheetos have taken off while popcorn has barely fizzled.