BANGOR, Wis. – At noon, a sudden siren broke the cold silence in this small town. It wailed for 10 seconds, then fell to a low, long purr.
The blast once told workers at the brewery and nearby businesses that it was time to wake, to eat lunch, to head home. The Hussa Brewery has long since closed, its big stone buildings torn down. But "the whistle," as it's known here, remains as a reminder. It sounds daily at 7 a.m., noon, 6 p.m. and 10 p.m.
To longtime locals, it's a beloved tradition that — as a bonus — marks the end of happy hour. But after a few residents complained about the "loud noise," the village of 1,470 shut off the siren last fall for what was supposed to be a 90-day trial. The experiment lasted just nine days.
"I was stopped driving down the street by people," said Gary Althoff, the village president. "I was stopped at church. I was stopped when I was out socializing.
"People said, 'Hey, I want it back.' "
So officials put it to a vote: In April, residents will decide whether to stop blowing the whistle four times a day.
It's a question small towns across the Midwest are weighing. Few have kept the handful of daily sirens that once dotted the workday in the factories and fields. Some have kept a curfew blast in the name of nostalgia. Others, including Freeman, S.D., have let their sirens go silent.
In Proctor, Minn., the whistle still sounds at 9:45 p.m. Decades ago, if a kid was out past then, "you were noted for being the mischievous type," said Mayor David Brenna, 65, who, as a teen, was brought home in a squad car one night near Halloween.