A year before G.I. Joe made his debut, 7-year-old Gary Frank Miller was so desperate for an action figure that he decided to make his own out of a Ken doll (better known as Barbie's boyfriend).
"I saved up my allowance money and went with my mom to Noble Drug in Robbinsdale to get my superhero," he recalled. "However, I was too embarrassed to go up to the counter to buy it myself. It was a doll, for goodness' sake! So Mom took my $3.25 and completed the transaction while I watched from a safe distance."
When the first G.I. Joe figures finally reached the stores, the heavily armed commando made "the world safe for democracy and dolls safe for boys everywhere," he said.
Miller's story is included in "Toys of the '50s, '60s and '70s," a book that accompanies an exhibit with the same name that opens Saturday at the Minnesota History Center.
A confluence of nostalgia and social science, the exhibit looks at how the toys we play with reflect the times in which we live.
"Toys offer a great look into culture and history," said Kate Roberts, senior exhibit developer. She and Adam Scher, the center's senior curator, put the exhibit together and co-wrote the book.
"Toys and popular culture are intertwined," she said. "We hope to spark memories for visitors, but also to get them talking about how toys reflect the rhythms of American life."
The three decades the exhibit covers encompass a unique era in the development of toys and society.