The boundlessly energetic staffers at Travail Kitchen and Amusements aren't just chefs, they're vaudevillians. Slapping a tired "dinner theater" label on their Tony Award-worthy variety show doesn't do it justice.
At some point in the evening, the lights will dim and a recording of one of Bach's moody suites for unaccompanied cello will replace the sound system's regularly scheduled raucousness. That's the cue for long pine planks to be arranged in a row, where they're garnished with meticulously crafted charcuterie and delivered around the dining room with great ceremony. Because, well, just because.
Watch for the moment when large glazed white tiles will be arranged on a giant easel. Tapping their inner Jackson Pollock, a chef will use it as a kind of canvas, flinging color-saturated juice concentrates (formulated in a vintage, retrofitted science lab centrifuge unearthed from goodness-knows-where, but that's another story) to create one-night-only dessert platters.
Join in as the kitchen crew belts out a frat-boy drinking song while collectively chug-a-lugging beer from an enormous glass boot. Or just gaze in bemused amazement as a dude in a chicken suit — you read that right — and another guy in a robot costume (played by co-owner Mike Brown and chef Nelson Cabrera, respectively) pantomime a choreographed shtick involving a cart, a keyboard and a large bowl of popcorn. Don't ask.
Then there's the pasta course, breathlessly assembled tableside by a mini-marching band, each one enlisted with a different task: pouring a smoked eggplant cream
sauce over a braid of house-made angel hair pasta, using a cartoonish syringe to inject the pasta with a saffron-lemon emulsion, sprinkling crispy fried sweetbreads, spooning earthy roasted maitake mushrooms, wielding ubiquitous tweezer tongs (proficiently working in miniature is clearly a condition of employment) to add a delicate toast garnish, then spritzing a lemony mist to accentuate the dish's citrus underpinnings. Hilarious, and delicious.
That gleeful sense of humor also permeates the surroundings. The front door was retrieved from a meat locker. The entry doubles as a donor wall — surely a restaurant first — a roll call representing those who contributed to last fall's astoundingly successful (to the tune of $255,669) Kickstarter campaign. A supersized, ultra-twee Crate & Barrel couldn't possibly conjure up the endlessly amusing tableware and glassware inventory.
While there's a do-it-yourself quality that's going to date itself, fast, Travail's greatest interior design triumph is how it makes a success of the communal table, a near-impossible achievement in a frozen land that values personal space above all else. When seated in this conversation-starting setting, even the most reserved among us can't help interacting with fellow diners.