Minnesota's Ojibwe Indian tribes say state regulators failed to do a complete cultural study and thus botched their environmental review of Enbridge's proposed new oil pipeline across northern Minnesota.
In a regulatory filing this week, five bands asked the Minnesota Public Utilities Commission (PUC) to reconsider its recent decision on the environmental review and order that a "full historic properties review" be done.
The tribes and environmental groups have harshly criticized the Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) done by the Minnesota Department of Commerce on Enbridge's proposed new Line 3, which would replace an aging and corroding pipeline. In December, the PUC rejected the EIS, but on narrow environmental concerns.
The EIS must be approved before the PUC's final decision on Line 3, which had been expected in April but now may not occur until June.
Representatives of the Fond du Lac Band of Chippewa and the Mille Lacs Band of Ojibwe told the PUC last month that the EIS should have been rejected out of hand because it failed to include a formal tribal cultural resource study. Environmental reviews often account for such cultural resources as burial grounds and historic villages.
"The state's historic properties work on the Line 3 Replacement project to date has been so inadequate that it could be used as a 'what not to do' example in future guidance," said the filing by the Mille Lacs, Fond du Lac, White Earth, Leech Lake and Red Lake Indian bands. The approach "violates a host of state laws."
In a statement Thursday, the Commerce Department said that it "has been, and is, committed to providing any and all information deemed necessary by the PUC to make this important decision on behalf of the state."
A Commerce Department official in December told the PUC that a full tribal cultural survey should be done, but it's not the department's job. Instead, that study should be led by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers in consultation with the tribes.