A North Dakota State University school song will come under review due to "troubling" lyrics in a seldom-heard stanza.
In a letter to the campus community sent Wednesday, NDSU President Dean Bresciani said he was notified that the third stanza of the song contains cultural and ethnic references that are "troubling" by modern standards.
The school in Fargo will be removing all but the first stanza of the song from all university websites and publications, which Bresciani called an "intermediary but immediate" step. In addition, Timothy Alvarez, vice president for student affairs at NDSU, and Provost Beth Ingram will gather students, staff and faculty to discuss how to balance the history of the song with the need to be appropriate.
The third part of the song reads:
Hushed upon the boundless prairies
Is the bison's thund'ring tread,
And the red man passes with him
On his spoilers' bounty fed.