Despite suffering the worst ever U.S. bird flu outbreak earlier this year, Minnesota's turkey industry — the nation's largest — can still give a modicum of thanks. So can U.S. consumers.
A much feared return of the deadly flu this fall hasn't materialized. Turkey growers have almost restored their flocks. And although bird-flu driven supply cuts have pushed wholesale turkey prices to historic highs, retail bird prices are about the same as they were last year.
"The grocer is definitely eating the difference," said Russ Whitman, a vice president at Urner Barry, a commodity news service known as an authority on poultry pricing.
The H5N2 avian flu touched down in Pope County in western Minnesota in early March, and by mid-June 48 million turkeys and egg-laying chickens were dead nationally, mostly in the Upper Midwest. Minnesota lost 5 million turkeys — about 10 percent of annual production — while turkey farms in Iowa, South Dakota and Wisconsin also were hard hit, and Iowa's egg industry was devastated.
The H5N2 flu is believed to be spread by wild waterfowl. The virus seemed to follow the wild birds' migration north last spring, and poultry scientists and turkey growers feared its return this fall with the reverse trek south.
"We're certainly thankful that (the bird flu) hasn't shown up," said Steve Olson, head of the Minnesota Turkey Growers Association. "There is still apprehension," and turkey growers will "feel more comfortable by mid-December."
By then, ducks will be in warmer climes, though some resident birds will remain through the winter.
"The migration is virtually over," said Steve Cordts, a waterfowl specialist with the Minnesota Department of Natural Resources. "By the end of this week, most of Canada will be duckless."