TV picks for Dec. 1-3: 'Andi Mack,' 'StoryBots Christmas,' Carol Burnett, Bob Hope

"Andi Mack" isn't likely to soothe whatever ails troubled teens, but what a relief it is to see a series aimed at young people with noble intentions not drowned out by fake laugh tracks and pop ditties. In the latest episode, our heroine (the delightfully unaffected Peyton Elizabeth Lee) learns valuable lessons about discrimination — and etiquette about holding hands with a new beau.
7 p.m. Friday, Disney Channel
Thanks for the memory
To the generation that grew up in the 1970s, Bob Hope was a joke, and not in a good way. His prime-time specials depended more on his cue-card holders than his out-of-touch gag writers. "American Masters: This is Bob Hope" doesn't ignore that dark period, or the comedian's philandering. But in wisely chosen clips and testimonials Hope comes across as a pivotal figure in comedy, one whose spirited influence stretches from Woody Allen's early films to Jimmy Fallon's monologues.
6 p.m. Sunday, TPT, Ch. 2
This time together
Carol Burnett has found countless ways to recycle the archives of her groundbreaking variety series, but "The Carol Burnett 50th Anniversary Special" promises to be a particularly sentimental trip down memory lane with tributes from Jim Carrey, Bill Hader, Maya Rudolph and Kristin Chenoweth.
7 p.m. Sunday, WCCO, Ch. 4
Cookie monster
Ed Asner climbs back into the Santa suit for "A StoryBots Christmas," a silly but charming animated special in which the enthusiastic characters learn the true meaning of Christmas is borrowing generously from the Muppets. Judy Greer is among the voice actors trying to convince Kriss Kringle to lay off the cookies and deliver presents.
Now streaming on Netflix
Neal Justin