Home buyers hire inspectors to learn about needed or soon-to-be-needed expensive repairs. But how thorough and helpful are the inspections?
Undercover shoppers from Consumers' Checkbook, an independent nonprofit consumer advocacy group, rented a typical three-bedroom, three-bath, two-story, single-family house in the suburbs of Washington, D.C., and — posing as prospective buyers — scheduled home inspections with 12 companies to put inspectors to the test.
Checkbook's undercover shoppers were astonished by how often many of the inspectors they hired missed obvious defects. Before the inspections, Checkbook staff identified or created 28 problems they thought any inspector should catch — from a big leak under the kitchen sink to inactive electrical outlets, roof damage and signs of a rodent infestation. As a group, inspectors caught these problems only half the time.
But what really surprised Checkbook's staff was how little work many inspectors bothered to do for their average fee of $540. Few performed up-close inspections of the roof; several didn't test all the windows, outlets, appliances, or fixtures; and the reports supplied by some were meager. For example:
• Only three of the 12 inspectors raised ladders to inspect the roof, which was significantly damaged. Many of the nonclimbers failed to report its broken shingles and missing drip edges.
• Only about half opened and shut all of the windows.
• Several did only cursory inspections of the furnace and water heater.
• Five didn't inspect all the window A/C units.