A week ago Saturday night became Sunday morning with hundreds of people standing in the middle of an interstate in St. Paul, with cities nationwide reeling from deaths of black men and police officers, with shattered lives and families, with confusion and anger.
Our nation and our community were full of people voicing strong opinions, but it was the actions of Minnesota Lynx players that thrust the sports world headlong into a budding fray.
A few hours before the freeway protest began, Lindsay Whalen, Maya Moore, Rebekkah Brunson and Seimone Augustus of the three-time WNBA champions stood on a stage in a media room at Target Center, wearing black shirts over their jerseys. "Change Starts With Us" read the front. On the back, support for two black men killed by police, Black Lives Matter and Dallas police officers gunned down in retaliation.
Photos of the event hit social media, where 10 reactions quickly became 100 and 100 became 1,000,000. That's how it works now: shirts, then photos and video and tweets, then a streaking sound wave of reaction bolting across all forms of media. Faster, it seems, each tragedy.
The Lynx were everywhere, instantly, reaching ears and eyes that might not have ever heard of their basketball dynasty.
What about other athletes?
The Star Tribune asked nine people who have significantly touched Minnesota sports — from Hall of Famers to high school coaches and those in between — what they, personally, make of all this. Should athletes and others in sports use their voice? Or should they, to use a phrase repeated by some in recent days, "stick to sports"?
We thank them for sharing their personal thoughts and experiences.