In a concession to environmental concerns, Twin Metals Minnesota said Thursday that its proposed copper-nickel mine near Ely will store processed waste using "dry stack" technology, rather than a kind of dam that is common in the industry but has a troubled record of leaks and failures.
The company also came out forcefully on a second risk feared by environmentalists, declaring that because of the low-sulfur type of rock being mined, the relatively dry environment underground and the mine's design, the Twin Metals operation "will have no acid mine drainage."
The announcement Thursday morning represents a major move for Twin Metals, which is trying to get ahead of the environmental issues that have dogged PolyMet Mining Inc., Minnesota's other copper-nickel mine proposal. PolyMet plans to use an old tailings dam on the site it owns.
The Twin Metals announcement previews the official mine plan it will submit to regulators by early winter. That filing will start the state permitting process for the mine and, if permits are approved, would make Twin Metals the second international company, behind PolyMet, to begin tapping the large copper-nickel reserves on Minnesota's Iron Range.
Environmentalists have promoted the so-called "dry stack method" as a greener way to hold mine waste because it uses less water and is less likely to rupture or leach heavy metals into nearby waters. Tailings dams frequently leak or suffer breaks, and catastrophic failures in recent years have sounded international alarms about dam safety. Dry stacking involves compressing the tailings into fine, sandlike particles, placing them on a liner and piling them in a large mound.
The Twin Metals and PolyMet proposals have triggered a debate over jobs and the environment that many Minnesotans consider one of the most important issues facing the state.
Becky Rom, national chairwoman of the Campaign to Save the Boundary Waters, said Thursday's announcement does not change her opposition to the Twin Metals mine.
"It's the wrong use in the wrong place," said Rom. "There should be no sulfide ore copper mine located in the watershed of the Boundary Waters, period."