West St. Paul and South St. Paul have taken steps to restrict housing options for people who receive state assistance for being both low-income and disabled, despite Dakota County's misgivings.
City officials say such residents call police too often and that their communities have more than their fair share of rental properties catering to their needs.
"We have enough of these properties in the community," said Tom Seaberg, a South St. Paul City Council member. "It's not a discriminatory thing, it's an economic issue."
Dakota County officials worry that the two cities' use of ordinances to restrict housing will significantly limit options for the disabled. Others, including disability advocates, question whether the ordinances violate federal laws regulating fair housing and civil rights and conflict with laws that require disabled people to be integrated into the community as much as possible.
West St. Paul passed an ordinance in November prohibiting people who get government rental assistance and support services, a category the state calls "registered housing with services," from living in the city's apartments unless they're already residing there.
People receiving assistance may be mentally ill, physically or mentally disabled or elderly. The services they get range from transportation and nursing care to help with cleaning or money management.
South St. Paul approved an ordinance last month allowing just one unit, or 5 percent of a multifamily building, whichever is greater, to be occupied by people receiving both rental help and support services.
In both cities, existing properties can retain current tenants who fall into that category, but they can't add more.