Two-sports star enjoys making his presence felt

September 18, 2011 at 2:40AM

Briefly with Forest Lake running back and hockey star Tommy Tyson:

Which sport do you prefer, hockey or football? I love them both. I don't think I could pick one.

Do you compete in fall hockey during football season? No. I couldn't do that. I like to focus on football during the fall. One sport at a time.

What do you like about the sports? I'm a big hitter. I really like the contact of both sports.

What is your main motivation in sports? I'm not very big - I'm only about 5-9, 175 pounds - but I pride myself on my physicality. Some people see me and think they're going to lay out the little guy, but they're surprised when they hit me. I'm not going to get hit, I'm going to deliver a hit.

What's your ideal situation on the football field? Fourth quarter, down one score, it's this drive or nothing. Give me the ball - I'll run you over to get the yards we need.

How do you get ready for a game? Me and my friends, we listen to music and talk about everything we want to do. In warm-ups, I like to be my myself to visualize and focus on the game. It gets me fired up.

You are pretty intense. How about off the field? I don't think I'm quite the same. I'm a little more laid back, but I do have a temper.

A must-have before a game: I couldn't go out without a Jimmy John's Sub. I always get a No. 11. I don't know exactly what's on it, but it always get me ready to go. [A No. 11 is a Country Club sandwich].


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