Remember the old grade school taunt, "If you love it so much, why don't you marry it?"
U.K. couple to get married at the Minnesota Spam Museum — seriously
U.K. man's dream comes true with a Spam-themed wedding.
By Aimee Blanchette, Star Tribune

If British Spam super fan Mark Benson could legally marry a can of the precooked meat product, he might. Instead, he's doing the next best thing by marrying his sweetheart at a Spam-themed wedding at the Spam Museum in Austin, Minn.
Benson and his fiancé Anne Mousley plan to say "I do" at the museum April 25. This surprising choice for a venue comes after something even more unusual — in 2015, Benson legally changed his middle name from "William" to "I love Spam."
No, this is not fake news.
How does one develop such devotion to canned meat? Benson said Spam is rooted in years of his family's history. His grandfather and uncle both worked at a factory in the U.K. where Spam was produced from 1941 to 1998. And, he just really likes Spam in omelets, casseroles and grilled cheese.
When the folks at Spam heard someone in the universe was crazy (devoted?) enough to change their middle name to reflect their love for Spam, they offered to throw Benson and Mousley a wedding at the museum.
The Liverpool couple will get married by Spam's brand manager and in front of museum visitors.
After the ceremony, the newlyweds and their two daughters will honeymoon in Hawaii, the only state that might love Spam as much as Benson. There, the family will attend the Spam Jam Festival.
Watch as Mousley suprises her fiancé with the spamtastic news.