WASHINGTON – U.S. Rep. Rick Nolan is embracing the fight against climate change in Congress even as he faces criticism from environmentalists back home for his support of local mining interests.
In a congressional hearing on Friday, the northeastern Minnesota DFLer will tout his bill to complete a land swap that would benefit the proposed PolyMet copper-nickel mine. Nolan also recently joined a bipartisan group of lawmakers called the Climate Solutions Caucus, and he maintains that there's no contradiction between reducing carbon emissions and championing a mining project that has drawn opposition from a range of environmental groups.
"I am convinced beyond any doubt whatsoever that 21st-century state-of-the-art mining which is compliant with strong environmental rules and regulations, unlike the mining of the past, is part of a foundation to address global warming and reduce the carbon footprint," Nolan said in an interview.
The three-term congressman, who previously served in Congress in the 1970s, is balancing an increasingly delicate position between environmental and industrial interests in a sprawling congressional district that includes the Iron Range and other of Minnesota's most important natural resources and public land. The region has a strong legacy of valuing pristine wilderness and clean air and water alongside a tradition of mining activity that brings much-needed jobs. Nolan narrowly won re-election last year, and his district also backed President Donald Trump.
Some critics suggest that Nolan's trying to have it both ways.
"It makes no sense to express concern about climate change and support projects that go in the opposite direction," said Aaron Klemz, communications director for the Minnesota Center for Environmental Advocacy.
The center is one of four groups that filed lawsuits challenging the U.S. Forest Service's decision to grant PolyMet 6,650 acres in the Superior National Forest in exchange for a similar amount of private land. The deal gives the firm surface rights to an area where it already owns mineral rights below the ground. Plaintiffs say the swap undervalues the land that PolyMet would receive, among other issues. Nolan's bill would sidestep the lawsuits by codifying in law the Forest Service's decision.
"Our lawsuit is to specifically ensure that taxpayers get a fair price for the land that PolyMet seeks, and Rep. Nolan's bill would short-circuit that process and prevent the courts from looking at whether this is a fair value for that land," Klemz said.