A University of Minnesota task force has recommended changing the names of four Twin Cities campus buildings because of what it deemed their namesakes' racist or anti-Semitic practices.
The group's report, released Wednesday, comes after a 16-month process that some regents and students have criticized as overly plodding, with the task force following up last year on the work of an earlier committee. The task force backed renaming Coffman Memorial Union — for former U President Lotus Coffman, who presided over a major university expansion but also excluded black students from campus housing and programs — as well as three other buildings. President Eric Kaler will review that report and present his own proposal to the U's governing board in March.
The task force's 125-page report acknowledges that the tenures of former administrators for which the buildings are named can't be viewed outside the context of their eras.
"But neither do we believe they were without choice, particularly given the power and discretion they exercised in their administrative roles," the report said.
The other buildings the task force recommended renaming are:
• Nicholson Hall, named after Edward Nicholson, the U's first dean of student affairs from 1917 to 1941, who the report says cracked down on political speech and student activism.
• Middlebrook Hall, named after William Middlebrook, who served in various administrative roles from 1925 to 1959, backing practices that discriminated against minority and Jewish students, according to the report.
• Coffey Hall, named after 1940s U President Walter Coffey, who the report says supported policies to exclude and segregate black students.