In the 15 years it took to get the new Minnesota Vikings stadium built, Lester Bagley was the guy out front, trying to complete a complicated project under intense pressure from team owners and emotional hometown scrutiny.
The effort sometimes became a grim slog, and he personally felt the public animosity when he got angry calls at his home. But Bagley methodically trudged along, through three governors, scores of state legislators and on behalf of two different out-of-state ownership groups.
The strategy, the Vikings executive vice president of public affairs and stadium development said, was simple: perseverance. "We went to the Capitol and built momentum," Bagley said in a recent interview. "We had no choice but to follow through."
In August 2016, the $1.1 billion stadium's giant glass doors will pivot open for the NFL season, bringing fans into the seats of the largest public-private partnership in state history. Taxpayers are covering about half the cost and there remain daily backroom battles with contractors, the stadium authority and the Vikings over upgrades, additions and costs. Bagley still puts in the same long days he did lobbying for the project. When an event or meeting involves the team's interests, Bagley's there.
His unflagging advocacy for Mark and Zygi Wilf's interests has made him the convenient punchline for those who want to take cracks at his more elusive billionaire bosses.
"He's been forced to take on the good and the bad," said Duane Benson, Bagley's former boss at the Minnesota Business Partnership, who until next month is on the Minnesota Sports Facilities Authority.
Bagley's controlled and guarded work persona has given rise to criticism that he is a light weight. Even some supporters said they initially wondered whether he had the temperament and bargaining skills to muscle through such a complex project.
Former state Rep. Ryan Winkler, DFL-St. Louis Park, credits stadium passage to the power of a popular sports franchise, firm backing from Gov. Mark Dayton and a fleet of highly paid lobbyists — not Bagley. "He was always pleasant to deal with and had the sense to be respectful to legislators because everything went his way," Winkler said. "I have no idea how he would have dealt with a more challenging legislative project."