"It is not with rancor that we criticize the Israeli government, but with hope, a hope that a better future can be made for both Israelis and Palestinians, a future in which both the violence of the occupier and the resulting violent resistance of the occupied come to an end, and where one people need not rule over another, engendering suffering, humiliation, and retaliation. True peace must be anchored in justice." --Desmond Tutu
On July 31st, over 60 Minnesota mosques, interfaith groups, civil liberties organizations, and other groups concerned about peace and justice held a press conference at Masjid An Nur in Minneapolis to call for an immediate end to Israel's airstrikes on civilians in Gaza. The groups also joined the Boycott, Divestment, and Sanctions (BDS) movement.
The speakers included Muslim, Jewish, and Christian leaders as well as activists from various participating organizations.
Imam Makram El Amin of Masjid An Nur, stressed on the Islamic teaching of standing up for justice and quoted the saying of Prophet Muhammad, upon him peace and blessings:
Elisabeth Geschiere, representing Break the Bonds organization, talked about the group's opposition to the State of Minnesota investing close to 30 million in Israeli bonds. She also emphasized that Minnesota's investment in Israel supports an apartheid system in both Israel and the Occupied Territories that causes thousands of civilian deaths, many of whom are children, and which involves the widespread abuse of human rights.
Jordan Ash, representing the Jewish Voice for Peace, gave an impassioned speech on the Jewish perspective on the current conflict. His speech is reproduced below:
Dr. Jehad Adwan, Clinical Asst. Professor at the U of M School of Nursing, gave a first-hand account of life in Gaza. With several of his family members still in Gaza, he talked about how he feels sad, angry, and vulnerable. As the Israeli offensive unfolds deep into Gaza, he is unable to sleep and stays glued to the computer, scouring for news about his family and friends. He recounted his visit to Gaza in 2013 and highlighted the deplorable conditions that exist in Gaza due to the Israeli blockade. He expressed his distress on the death of a physician and a professor as their U.N. marked vehicle was shot up by the Israeli army. His heartrending story of the suffering in Gaza left many in the audience in tears. He appealed to the people of conscience to not remain silent at the genocide of Palestinians in Gaza and to join the BDS movement to help relieve the suffering of people in Gaza.