There's no couch. In fact, there aren't even any chairs.
When Minneapolis therapist Tammie Rosenbloom meets her clients for a session, they go for a walk around a lake. If it's too cold out, they head into the downtown skyways or even a shopping mall.
Rosenbloom is among a small contingent of counselors who practice what they call "walk and talk therapy." Adding movement to traditional therapy, advocates say, is a catalyst for getting clients to talk more openly about their emotions. They also point out that walking releases endorphins, which can elevate moods, and that for some clients, a lake or a mall is less intimidating than an office setting.
"I was working with a guy who has Asperger's and he had a really difficult time with eye contact," Rosenbloom said. "He Googled me and said, 'I've never been able to go to a therapist and sit on the couch because it's so overwhelming to have to do the eye contact.' So we met [outside] and it was wonderful and it worked really well."
Some psychologists, however, see glaring privacy concerns with counseling clients in public and are concerned that such an informal setting blurs the line between client and therapist.
"Protecting a client's privacy is of paramount importance," said Christopher Vye, chairman of the University of St. Thomas's Graduate School of Professional Psychology. "It's an ethical duty of a therapist. And it's difficult to do outside of an office, particularly in a public, crowded environment."
Proponents like Rosenbloom acknowledge that walk and talk therapy isn't for everyone, but they say the benefits outweigh the concerns. And while she's one of the few such practitioners in the Twin Cities, the approach has been steadily growing on the coasts.
"It started out as an idea to set myself apart, but what I came to find out is it really was more effective," said Clay Cockrell, a New York City therapist who's often cited as a pioneer in the field. "A lot of people think better on their feet."