Let's face it — there are two kinds of people in this world: those who host parties and those who don't.
If you're a host, odds are you know what you're doing. You've read the guides. You've pored over Pinterest. You've perfected your style through bashes aplenty.
But if you're a serial attendee, there's a good chance you've never put a passing thought into guest etiquette. What's the big deal, right? You show up, mind your alcohol consumption, say thank you and leave. Simple, right?
Throwing a party is expensive and time-consuming. And, as some Twin Cities party people confirmed, being a good guest means more than avoiding getting smashed and not spilling red wine on the white sofa. With holiday fetes just around the corner, it's time to get serious if you want those invites to keep rolling in.
Our guide on the best guest dos and don'ts will transform you from an ill-mannered invitee into a punctual, gift-carrying, coaster-toting gala hero — and will likely get your name on the guest list at many soirees to come.
The faux pas: Neglecting to RSVP.
Why it's a problem: If hosts don't know you're coming, they can't plan for seating, plates and glasses, food and drinks.