After decades as a caucus state, Minnesota will hold its first presidential primary since 1992 on Tuesday. The primary puts the state in the middle of Super Tuesday, when voters from 15 states and territories cast ballots.
Here is what you need to know about Minnesota's primary:
Where do I vote?
Registered voters can vote at their usual polling place March 3. If you are unsure of where you vote, the Minnesota Secretary of State's website has a polling place finder. Most polling places are open 7 a.m. to 8 p.m.
Can I still register and vote on Election Day?
Yes, voters with valid ID can register and vote on March 3. See the Secretary of State's website for an explanation of valid identification and same-day registration rules. If you don't have acceptable ID, a registered voter from your precinct can go with you to a polling place and sign an oath to vouch for you.
I have an absentee ballot but have not mailed it in yet. Is it too late?
Although you can apply for a ballot any time, for your ballot to count it must be returned on or before Election Day, March 3.