Police did not arrest the assailant, even though he lived at Cedar Cottage and had been identified by an eyewitness. Local prosecutors declined to pursue charges or even interview Grayce Braaten. Several days passed before the home moved Grayce farther from her assailant.
And as of early November — more than three years since the assault — the Minnesota Department of Health has not finished its investigation.
That excruciating wait for justice is common in such cases across Minnesota.
Last year, 85 percent of Health Department investigations exceeded the state's own two-month deadline for looking into senior home maltreatment complaints, according to state records.
The average investigation takes three to five months. Some have lasted more than a year.
Long delays leave many families in limbo, making it impossible for them to move on with their lives and eroding their faith in the state's ability to protect the elderly. The delays also undermine criminal investigations and prosecutions, police and prosecutors say. Key evidence is lost. Witnesses move on.
"A delay of a week, or even a day, can be fatal when it comes to prosecuting elder abuse cases," said Tara Patet, senior prosecutor in the St. Paul city attorney's office. "Memories fade. Pictures of the crime scene aren't taken. Victims stop talking. All those things cause an investigation to go south with the passage of time."
Even representatives of the senior care industry say they're frustrated, as prolonged investigations distract their employees and leave them without clear guidance on how to improve the safety of their facilities.