Downtown Minneapolis has more than 65,000 parking spots, normally enough to accommodate most of the workers who drive to their job.
Where to park downtown during Super Bowl week? Commuters should plan now
Downtown Minneapolis has more than 65,000 parking spots, normally enough to accommodate most of the workers who drive to their job.
That might not be the case during Super Bowl week, even for those who have contract parking, says Jon Wertjes, director of traffic and parking services for the City of Minneapolis.
Private lots and ramps may lease out space for Super Bowl events, meaning fewer number of stalls will be available during the 10-day Super Bowl period starting Jan. 26 to Feb. 4. Super Bowl LII will be played at U.S. Bank Stadium, home of the Minnesota Vikings.
"Now's the time to plan your alternatives," Wertjes said at a news conference to unveil "Know Before You Go," the Super Bowl committee's metro area transportation plan. "Ask questions now so you can plan your alternatives to choose a different parking space if they are using yours."
Starting in mid-December, fans and others will be able pre-purchase a parking spot for any event in downtown Minneapolis at a guaranteed rate. Sales will be available on the MPLS Parking mobile app.