Nobody likes parking ramps. The moment the arm swings up, the money starts to run out of your pocket. You circle up until you find a floor with space, then troll the rows for a spot. You look at the post where you parked (OK, I'm Level 4 Blue 3A, remember that), then trudge to the elevator lobby, which always feels cold, untidy and bleakly resigned to vandalism.
Parking garages are sullen, joy-sucking blocks, warehouses that sell berths for slumbering beasts. Sometimes you wish there weren't any, but when you're trying to find a parking spot you can't believe there aren't more.
There's no good reason parking ramps have to look bad, though. They're buildings like any other — should it matter that they're filled with cars or office furniture?
Still, they're usually not lovely, but now and then you find one that improves the streetscape, or at least does no harm. Let's take a brief survey of the grim and the good.
Gone and best forgotten
We begin with a vigorous jig on the grave of one of the worst: The ramp at 4th and Nicollet in downtown Minneapolis.
It's gone. Hallelujah. The new Xcel building required the demolition of a ramp that represented the first phase of downtown's postwar retail panic. Suburban malls with acres of fresh black asphalt were luring the cars away from tired old downtown, so up went some ramps.
Three were built along 4th Street — two dull dogs and the NSP ramp, which has a curvy appeal that makes it look like someone extruded the Guggenheim out of a soft-serve dispenser. The recently demolished ramp at 4th and Nicollet was everything a ramp shouldn't be: It was on the premier shopping street, it sat on a corner, and looked like a stack of burned waffles.
Worst by default
But it's gone, so it's no longer the worst. That honor may go to City Center's ramp.