A wooded lake just south of Nisswa, Minn., could become the site of an unprecedented wild rice showdown this week when some Chippewa band members attempt to conduct a harvest without obtaining state-issued licenses.
Frank Bibeau, attorney for the 1855 Treaty Authority, said the planned act of civil disobedience is meant to actively challenge Minnesota's position that band members have no off-reservation hunting, fishing or gathering rights on northern lands that were ceded in the 1855 Treaty with the federal government.
If violators are prosecuted for their "en masse wild rice harvest,'' the issue could land in court as an important test case and engulf the state in another treaty rights battle.
State officials are holding fast to their stance that tribal governments in the 1855 Treaty area surrendered off-reservation sovereignty when they ceded the land in question to the United States. Tom Landwehr, commissioner of the state Department of Natural Resources, notified the group in a letter last week that violators will be subject to prosecution.
"Any wild rice or harvesting equipment involved in the illegal harvest of wild rice may be seized by a law enforcement officer,'' the commissioner warned.
His letter said band members are welcome to harvest wild rice off their reservations as long as they conform to DNR regulations that include license fees of $25 for the season or $15 per day. This year's season opened a week ago and runs through Sept. 30 on 1,500 lakes and rivers, mostly in Aitkin, Cass, Crow Wing, Itasca and St. Louis counties.
Any person violating any of the laws or rules pertaining to wild rice collection is subject to a fine up to $1,000 and/or 90 days in jail.
The potentially pivotal off-reservation gathering of rice is scheduled for Thursday at Hole-in-the-Day Lake, just east of Gull Lake. The shallow lake rests in a large, irregular footprint of ceded territory that runs from about 40 miles west of Duluth all the way to North Dakota. The 1855 land touches Ontario in one spot, but excludes the extreme northwest corner of the state. It also excludes Minnesota's Arrowhead region north and east of Duluth, a territory where three Chippewa bands won off-reservation rights in a court fight nearly 30 years ago under the separate 1854 Treaty.