Diamond Reynolds, the girlfriend of the slain Philando Castile, was charged with assault Friday in connection with a hammer attack on a woman on St. Paul's East Side.
Reynolds, 27, of West St. Paul, faces charges of second- and third-degree assault in the Tuesday morning attack, according to a criminal complaint filed in Ramsey County District Court. Two other women — Chnika Blair, 18, and Dyamond Richardson, 25 — face the same charges.
Bail was set at $90,000 each, and all three women are expected to appear in court on Monday afternoon, according to online records.
Reynolds was catapulted into the international spotlight last summer when she livestreamed the aftermath of Castile's fatal shooting by a St. Anthony police officer during a traffic stop.
Her Facebook video, which was replayed millions of times, sparked widespread protests and fueled a national conversation about police killings of black men.
According to the complaint, the incident in question started after 10 a.m. Tuesday when Reynolds and Blair confronted the victim in a parking lot in the 1500 block of Jessamine Lane. Authorities say the two women "jumped" the victim, with one of the attackers, thought to be Reynolds, wielding a hammer.
The victim remembers being repeatedly struck in the head with the hammer, with one blow sending her to the ground and causing her to momentarily black out, the complaint said.
Minutes later, Richardson pulled up to the scene in another vehicle and began spraying the victim with "bear mace."