Works by Rowan and Bly Pope at Minneapolis Institute of Art

Nestled in the first-floor atrium at the back of the Minneapolis Institute of Art is a mini-exhibition of work by Rowan and Bly Pope, twin brothers and Minnesotans. They use the same photorealist techniques and materials (graphite and sometimes ink on paper), but tackle very different subject matter. While Bly tends to zoom in on the human face, rendering familial subjects with insane detail, like a portrait of his then-90-year-old grandmother Maryanna Shorba Manfred, Rowan renders macabre scenes often inspired by the psychologically intense stories of Franz Kafka. Lest this sound too heavy, do not worry: You can also examine "Patch of Earth" (2007), a zoom-in on the ground and various crumpled leaves, which took 1,400 hours to complete. (10 a.m.-5 p.m. Tue.-Wed. & Sat.; 10 a.m.-9 p.m. Thu.-Fri.; 11 a.m.-5 p.m. Sun. Ends Oct. 28. 2400 3rd Av. S., Mpls. Free.