America's often criticized policy of monetary support for the State of Israel, has recently achieved huge dividends. That being derived from the crippling of Iran's nuclear ambitions without loss of American lives, the engagement of troops, and without massive military expenditures in arms and equipment.

Without publicly admitting their joint role in delaying Iran's dangerous nuclear program, a high-tech American-Israeli collaboration (the Stuxnet Worm) is assumed to be the source of Iran's current problems.

"Israel has tested a computer worm believed to have sabotaged Iran's nuclear centrifuges and slowed its ability to develop an atomic weapon, The New York Times reported Saturday. In what the Times described as a joint Israeli-U.S. effort to undermine Iran's nuclear ambitions, it said the tests of the destructive Stuxnet worm had occurred over the past two years at the heavily guarded Dimona complex in the Negev desert".-Fox News 1/16/11 -

"In October, Iranian officials said the Stuxnet worm had infected the reactor complex, but they played down the issue"… In " interviews Friday, nuclear experts said the trouble behind the fuel unloading could range from minor safety issues and operational ineptitude to serious problems that would bring the reactor's brief operational life to a premature end" …. "it could be simple and embarrassing all the way to 'game over,' " said David A. Lochbaum, a former official at the Nuclear Regulatory Commission, which oversees nuclear reactors in the United States." … He "added that having to unload a newly fueled reactor was "not an everyday occurrence."… Iran gave no reason for the unexpected fuel unloading, but it has previously admitted that the Stuxnet computer worm infected the Bushehr reactor."... "This could represent a substantial setback to their program," David Albright, president of the Institute for Science and International Security- a private group in Washington that tracks nuclear proliferation, said of the problem behind the Bushehr upset.".. ''-NYTimes, W. Broad & D. Sanger, 2/26/11

Israel, which is the sole victim of an international conspiracy campaign for boycott and divestment of funds, has again proven its worth and its worthiness. And, as this latest American-Israeli partnership has proven, American investment in Israel is a "bargain" for the international community, for America and for international world peace.

Israel's activities, vis-a-vis, neighboring populations, has long been singled out as the chief obstacle to peace in the Middle East, a now debunked theory, as regional revolution and regime change against those dictatorships has now proven how "insignificant" Israel's destabilizing role has been.