Zimbabwe's decision not to prosecute Walter Palmer ends the hopes of protesters that the big-game hunter would be extradited for killing Cecil the lion.
But they have vowed to continue picketing Palmer's Bloomington dental office in their effort to stamp out the sport worldwide.
"He may have gotten away with it, but at least he's going to be the poster boy of trophy hunting," said Catherine Pierce, an East Bethel retiree moved to action by Cecil's death. "It's not the end of the road."
Zimbabwe's Environment Minister Oppah Muchinguri-Kashiri told reporters there Monday that Palmer's papers to hunt "were in order."
"The documents were there," she said. "We are now going to review how we issue hunting quotas."
Muchinguri-Kashiri said that Palmer can now safely return to Zimbabwe as a "tourist" to the southern African country, but not for hunting.
A spokesman for Palmer in the Twin Cities said Monday that he would have nothing to say about the decision.
Legal professionals had raised doubts whether an extradition of Palmer would occur for a suspected wildlife crime. Officials of the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS) said weeks ago that they were investigating Cecil's killing and assisting Zimbabwe in its case. USFWS spokesman Gavin Shire said Tuesday that his agency continues to investigate Palmer's killing of the lion. Shire declined to reveal anything further about the probe.