2007 Restaurant address book

December 26, 2007 at 8:13PM

al Vento, 5001 34th Av. S., Mpls., 612-724-3009, alventorestaurant.com

Al's Breakfast, 413 14th Av. SE., Mpls., 612-331-9991

Azia, 2550 Nicollet Av. S., Mpls., 612-813-1200, aziarestaurant.com

Bank, 88 S. 6th St., Mpls., 612-656-3255, bankmpls.com

Bellanotte, 600 Hennepin Av. S., Mpls., 612-339-7200, bellanottempls.com

Be'wiched, 800 Washington Av. N., Mpls., 612-767-4330, bewicheddeli.com

Blackbird, 815 W. 50th St., Mpls., 612-823-4790, blackbirdmpls.com.

Brasa Rotisserie, 600 E. Hennepin Av., Mpls., 612-379-3030, brasa.us

Broders' Pasta Bar, 5000 Penn Av. S., Mpls., 612-925-9202, broders.com.

Bryant Lake Bowl, 810 W. Lake St., Mpls., 612-825-3737, bryantlakebowl.com

Bulldog N.E., 401 E. Hennepin Av., Mpls., 612-378-2855, thebulldogmpls.com

Cafe Barbette, 1600 W. Lake St., Mpls., 612-827-5710, cafebarbette.com

Cafe di Napoli, 601 Marquette Av., Mpls., 612-333-4949

Cafe Ena, 4601 Grand Av. S., Mpls., 612-824-4441, cafeena.com

Cafe Levain, 4762 Chicago Av. S., Mpls., 612-823-7111, restaurantlevain.com

Cafe Maude, 5411 Penn Av. S., Mpls., 612-822-5411, cafemaude.com

Cafe Twenty Eight, 2724 W. 43rd St., Mpls., 612-926-2800, cafetwentyeight.com

California Cafe, Mall of America, Bloomington, 952-854-2233, californiacafe.com

Chambers Kitchen, 901 Hennepin Av. S., Mpls., 612-767-6979, chambersminneapolis.com

Common Roots Cafe, 2558 Lyndale Av. S., Mpls., 612-871-2360, commonrootscafe.com

Cosmos, 601 1st Av. N., Mpls., 612-312-1168, cosmosrestaurant.com

Craftsman, 4300 E. Lake St., Mpls., 612-722-0175, craftsmanrestaurant.com

Crave, 3520 W. 70th St., Edina, 952-697-6000, cravemn.com.

D'Amico Cucina, 100 N. 6th St., Mpls., 612-338-2401, damico.com

Dining Studio, 1121 Jackson St. NE., Mpls., 612-331-3310, createcaters.com

duplex, 2516 Hennepin Av. S., Mpls., 612-381-0700, duplexmpls.com

Fogo de Chao, 645 Hennepin Av. S., Mpls., 612-338-1344, fogodechao.com

French Meadow Bakery & Cafe, 2610 Lyndale Av. S., Mpls., 612-870-7855, frenchmeadow.com

Fugaise, 308 E. Hennepin Av., Mpls., 612-436-0777, fugaise.com

Good Day Cafe, 5410 Wayzata Blvd., Golden Valley, 763-544-0205

Grand Cafe, 3804 Grand Av. S., Mpls., 612-822-8260, grandcafempls.com

Hard Times Cafe, 1821 Riverside Av., Mpls., no phone

Harry's Food & Cocktails, 500 Washington Av. S., Mpls., 612-344-7000, harrysfood.com

Heartland, 1806 St. Clair Av., St. Paul, 651-699-3536, heartlandrestaurant.com

Heidi's Minneapolis, 819 W. 50th St., Mpls., 612-354-3512, heidismpls.com

Jasmine 26, 8 E. 26th St., Mpls., 612-870-3800

La Belle Vie, 510 Groveland Av., Mpls., 612-874-6440, labellevie.us

La Sirena Gorda, 920 E. Lake St., Mpls., 612-870-0037

Landmarc Grill, 405 S. 8th St., Mpls., 612-455-1204

Level Five Cafe, 806 S. 2nd St., Mpls., 612-225-6499, cueatguthrie.com

Little Szechuan, 422 University Av. W., St. Paul, 651-222-1333, littleszechuan.com

Local, 931 Nicollet Mall, Mpls., 612-904-1000, the-local.com

Manhattans Restaurant & Bar, 825 Hennepin Av. S., Mpls., 612-339-3600, www.manhattansmpls.com

Manning's Cafe, 2200 Como Av. SE., Mpls., 612-331-1053

Masa, 1070 Nicollet Mall, Mpls., 612-338-6272, masa-restaurant.com

Meritage, 410 St. Peter St., St. Paul, 651-222-5670, meritage-stpaul.com

Midtown Global Market, 920 E. Lake St., Mpls., midtownglobalmarket.org

Mill City Farmers Market, Chicago Av. and 2nd St. S., Mpls., 612-341-7580, millcityfarmers market.org

Mission American Kitchen, 77 S. 7th St., Mpls., 612-339-1000, missionamericankitchen.com

Modern Cafe, 337 13th Av. NE., Mpls., 612-378-9882

Muffuletta, 2260 Como Av., St. Paul, 651-644-9116, muffuletta.com

Mysore Cafe, 2819 Hennepin Av. S., Mpls., 612-871-1110

Ngon Vietnamese Bistro, 799 University Av., St. Paul, 651-222-3301, ngonbistro.com

Nick and Eddie, 1612 Harmon Place, Mpls., 612-486-5800, nickandeddie.com

Noodles & Co., 16 Twin Cities locations, noodles.com

Nosh Restaurant & Bar, 310½ S. Washington St., Lake City, Minn., 1-651-345-2425, noshrestaurant.com

Oak Grill, 700 Nicollet Mall, Mpls., 612-375-2938, macys.com

Obento-Ya Japanese Bistro, 1510 Como Av. SE., Mpls., 612-331-1432, obento-ya.com

128 Cafe, 128 N. Cleveland Av., St. Paul, 651-645-4128, 128cafe.net

112 Eatery, 112 N. 3rd St., Mpls., 612-343-7696, 112eatery.com

Otho Restaurant and Street Lounge, 949 Portland Av. S., Mpls., 612-455-1516, othorestaurant.com

Pazzaluna, 360 St. Peter St., St. Paul, 651-223-7000, pazzaluna.com

Picosa, 65 SE. Main St., Mpls., 612-746-3970, picosarestaurant.com

Pittsburgh Blue, 11900 Main St., Maple Grove, 763-416-2663, pittsburghbluesteaks.com

Prima, 17805 Hwy. 7, Minnetonka, 952-380-0333, primamn.com

Punch Neapolitan Pizza, five Twin Cities locations

Quiznos, 46 Twin Cities locations, quiznos.com

Red Stag Supperclub, 509 1st Av. NE., Mpls., 612-767-7766, redstagsupperclub.com

Restaurant Alma, 528 University Av. SE., Mpls., 612-379-4909, restaurantalma.com

Ruam Mit Thai Cafe, 473 St. Peter St., St. Paul, 651-290-0067

Saffron Restaurant & Lounge, 123 N. 3rd St., Mpls., 612-746-5533, saffronmpls.com

Saga Hill Cooking School, 309 E. Lake St., Wayzata, 612-281-1846, sagahillcs.com

Sanctuary, 903 Washington Av. S., Mpls., 612-339-5058, sanctuaryminneapolis.com

Sapor Cafe & Bar, 428 Washington Av. N., Mpls., 612-375-1971, saporcafe.com

Sea Salt, 4825 Minnehaha Av. S., Mpls., 612-721-8990, seasalteatery.com

Solera, 900 Hennepin Av. S., Mpls., 612-338-0062, solera-restaurant.com

Sontes, 4 Third St. SW., Rochester, Minn., 1-507-292-1628, sontes.com

Spill the Wine, 1101 Washington Av. S., Mpls., 612-339-3388, spillthewinerestaurant.com

Spoonriver, 750 S. 2nd St., Mpls., 612-436-2236, spoonriverrestaurant.com

Temple Restaurant & Bar, 1201 Harmon Place, Mpls., 612-767-3770, mplstemple.com

Thanh Do, 2005 Utah Av. S., St. Louis Park, 952-935-5005

Town Talk Diner, 2707½ E. Lake St., Mpls., 612-722-1312, towntalkdiner.com

Tria, 5959 Centerville Rd., North Oaks, 651-426-9222, triarestaurant.com

Tryg's, 3118 W. Lake St., Mpls., 612-920-7777, trygs.com

20.21, 1750 Hennepin Av. S., Mpls., 612-253-3410, wolfgangpuck.com

Via Cafe & Bar, 6740 France Av. S., Edina, 952-928-9500, viacafebar.com

Vincent, 1100 Nicollet Mall, Mpls., 612-630-1189, vincentarestaurant.com

Wayzata Eatery and Wine Bar, 1179-A E. Wayzata Blvd., Wayzata, 952-288-2866, wayzataeatery.com

Zahtar, 755 Prairie Center Dr., Eden Prairie, 952-829-8400

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