Three teenagers died in separate single-vehicle crashes Sunday, with one of the wrecks coming during wintry driving conditions, authorities said.
3 teens killed in separate crashes in Minnesota; wintry weather a factor in one wreck
Two of those killed Sunday did not have on their seat belt, the State Patrol said.
By Paul Walsh, Star Tribune
In the Twin Cities area, a pickup truck driver lost control on Hwy. 55 in Eagan near Dodd Road about 4:20 p.m. and rolled into the median, the State Patrol said. Snow and ice covered the road at the time.
Passenger Angely Burgos-Salas, 17, of Minneapolis, was thrown from the westbound pickup and later died at HCMC. Burgos-Salas was not wearing a seat belt, the patrol said.
Three others from Minneapolis in the vehicle, all wearing seat belts, were not injured: driver Virginio S. Burgos, 57; Olga Salas, 53, and Keity Burgos, 13, according to the patrol.
The patrol tallied 217 crashes across the state from 1 to 9 p.m., and 49 vehicles either spun out or went off the road.
Shortly before 5 p.m. on Interstate 90 in southeastern Minnesota, a pickup truck driver also lost control and rolled into the median, the patrol said. The motorist, a 16-year-old boy, did not survive. He was not wearing a seat belt, the patrol noted. His 13-year-old passenger, Ethan J. Meeks of Racine, Wis., had on his seat belt and was not hurt, the patrol said.
The patrol said the interstate pavement was dry at the time of the crash.
Speed and alcohol were considered factors in a crash that occurred about 1:40 a.m. northwest of the Twin Cities and involved a vehicle that went into the Mississippi River in Big Lake Township after missing a sharp curve in the 15500 block of County Road 30.
The Sherburne County Sheriff's Office said driver Dashon J. Rodriguez, 19, of Nevis, Minn., was found dead inside the vehicle under 11 feet of water. Passenger Devin M. Moksnes, 22, of Otsego, was slightly hurt and went to a nearby home for help, according to the Sheriff's Office.
Moksnes told investigators that he and Rodriguez had on their seat belts, the Sheriff's Office said.
Staff writer Mara Klecker contributed to this report.