Stafon Thompson, older by a month, would be arraigned in a minute or so. First up was Brian Lee Flowers, case No. 27-CR-08-29636.
He was wearing an orange jail shirt and appeared behind the safety glass that separates the courtroom from the prisoners, stepping up to a sort of bank teller's window where he stood, trembling.
Is your name Brian Lee Flowers, Judge John McShane asked.
The kid nodded feebly, resting his chin in his left hand. He was crying like someone who had lost his mother.
The judge told him he had to speak for the record. Nodding wasn't enough. Are you Brian Lee Flowers?
This time the kid wailed yes, covered his face with his hand and convulsed into sobs.
You were born June 21, 1991? Yes, the kid said. The judge set bail at a million dollars. Might just as well be a billion.
It only took a minute, and the kid was gone from the teller's window, shuffling through the glass cage, back toward jail. As he went, he let loose a long heart-wrenching cry, a wounded, woeful outburst that cut through the courtroom and seemed to say: Yes, I am Brian Lee Flowers, 17 on Saturday, charged with murdering Katricia Daniels, a woman I called "Mom," accused of stabbing and bludgeoning and chasing her to her slaughter and then her son, Robert, 10 years old.