Eight months after announcing that he was taking on the former La Belle Vie space at the landmark 510 Groveland building in Minneapolis, Kenwood chef/owner Don Saunders quietly opened his 510 Lounge on Thursday.
The plan? The former La Belle Vie lounge is the open-to-the-public centerpiece, a seven-days-a-week enterprise featuring cocktails, wines and a roster of shareable foods that range from oysters, caviar and cheeses to black rice croquettes, mussels in a pistou broth and smoked duck ham with pickled cherries. There's a major dessert program, too. The former La Belle Vie dining room – which was also home to 510 Groveland in the 1980s and 1990s – will be reserved for private events. Saunders took a few moments out of his busy schedule to discuss some details.
Here he is on . . .
The lounge's low-key opening: "We're doing a little friends-and-family event on Wednesday night. Then, on Thursday, Friday and Saturday, we'll be open to the public. After that, we're going to give everyone a break for four days. Then, on Thursday, July 6, we'll open for good. We're calling the next few days a preview weekend, and we're not promoting it, because, strange as this might sound, I don't want to open crazy-busy. I'm obviously not trying to keep it a secret, and I'm all for anyone talking about it. We'll get the word out on social media, too. I do feel like there's buzz about the place, but you never really know until you actually open. What we're doing -- opening for three days, and then closing for four -- is probably confusing. But I see this preview weekend as an opportunity to get our feet wet, and work out some kinks. And then hopefully the people who come in for this preview weekend will send out another wave of buzz for when we open for real on the 6th."
The lounge's renovated looks: "I'm very pleased. It's super-cool, it all came together really nicely. There's a lot of color, and pattern, and because some of the chairs are temporary – the ones we ordered didn't get manufactured on time – there's eventually going to be even more color and pattern. All of the art is by local photographer Shelly Mosman, and I think it's going to be a big talking point. 'Shocking' isn't the word, it's not way out there. But her work is pretty modern looking, there's a lot of emotion to it. So, hopefully, everyone will dig being in there. On Monday, we had a Kenwood employee and former-employee night, and we got to see people in the room, eating, for the first time, and that was really great. It's got a comfortable and chic vibe."

Cooking in that vaunted kitchen: "To be honest, it's really cool. To me, it's kind of carrying on a legacy. With all that history, it feels really special to be cooking in that kitchen." [That's Saunders, above, at his Kenwood restaurant, in a Star Tribune file photo].
The differences between opening the 510 Lounge vs. the Kenwood and its predecessor, In Season: "This has definitely been a bigger and more involved project than the others, with a lot more moving parts and different stresses. But at the same time, I have a larger team of people that I'm working with, and that has been great. At In Season and the Kenwood, I was doing everything. I was writing the wine list, I was training servers, I was experimenting with dishes. This time I've had more of a delegating role, and more of a planning role. I've got a really good team, and everyone has been doing a fantastic job."
Hosting private events in the former La Belle Vie dining room: "They'll come along a little bit later. We purposely planned to get the lounge running for a good solid month before we took on any private events. Our first ones are in August, and even then, we're limiting them to probably one a week, to get our feet wet. It's a big space, and that can be a good thing, because it gives you lots of room to work with. But it's also a challenge in that you're running food for what seems like miles. At the Kenwood, I can walk 10 feet and be in the middle of the dining room. We've got a few [wedding] rehearsal dinners in the fall, and a number of small weddings, and a few corporate events closer to the holidays. There's a bar mitzvah in the mix. And the Super Bowl will be another whole animal. We've already had some interest with that, and are talking back and forth with a few clients."