A half-dozen cool things in music, from two points of view:
Peter Gokey of Jordan:
1 Miley Cyrus, "Flowers." On the new single from her upcoming album "Endless Summer Vacation," Miley shows us that Taylor Swift doesn't have the market cornered on breakup songs, with lyrics like "I can love me better than you can." The radio-friendly beat all but ensures another hit on her hands.
2 Madonna, "Back That Up to the Beat." An outtake from Madonna's "Rebel Heart" sessions, this demo version of what ultimately appears on "Madame X" is a cleaner arrangement. With a staccato, snappy beat, it's enjoying its viral moment on TikTok. Will Madonna perform this on her upcoming greatest hits tour?
3 U2, "Pride (In The Name Of Love) [Songs Of Surrender]." March brings "Songs of Surrender," an album of acoustic and rearranged U2 songs. This stripped-down version, featuring rich emotionality in Bono's vocals and dramatic piano arrangements, is a hopeful sign for an album of fresh takes on old classics.
Jon Bream, Star Tribune critic:
1 Rick Rubin profile, "60 Minutes." Interviewer Anderson Cooper dubbed the eccentric music mogul "the guru." The fascinating, well-done piece captures the Zen essence and elusive magic of Rubin, who is usually media shy. With no technical skills, Rubin listens for "a feeling"— and he's found it with Run DMC, Tom Petty, Adele and late career Johnny Cash, among others. Kesha and Chuck D of Public Enemy are interviewed.
2 Sudan Archives, "The Tonight Show Starring Jimmy Fallon." Accompanied by a trumpet, bassist, drum pad, her own violin and a wine glass (for percussive effect), the buzzy Los Angeles singer delivered "Homesick (Gorgeous & Arrogant)," a vibey, minimalist reflection on the complexities of romance, compounded by 'rona, as she calls it.