Here are some current travel times:
7:25 a.m. update: Current travel times
Not to shabby on the roads with no major delays.
February 26, 2013 at 11:29AM
On southbound 35W, it's 15 minutes from Hwy. 10 to Hwy. 280.
On southbound 35E it's 12 minutes from 694 to 94.
Look for things to slow down a tad on westbound 94 from Mounds Blvd. to Hwy. 52.
Things are building on eastbound 94 from Hwy. 101 to 94. That is about 15 minutes.
Southbound Hwy. 169 is 20 minutes from 94 to Hwy. 7.
Southbound 494 from 94 to Hwy. 7 is 15 minutes.
Crosstown is running at about 8 minutes from Hwy. 169 to 35W in both directions.
Northbound Cedar Avenue from 35E to Crosstown is 8 minutes.