The Star Tribune's photo archive is packed with fascinating glimpses into the past, including images of development projects that never came to fruition. Here are some Twin Cities projects that never made it off the drawing board (thank goodness!) or became the initial steps to significantly better outcomes.
Attention, Target shoppers
In 1996, Target made a proposal to build a store at 9th Street and Nicollet Mall. The initial plan was way more Walmart than bull's-eye. Yikes.
Postscript: In 2001, the city got a better-looking Target on the same site, although hiding a big box store behind a series of fake facades isn't exactly the most thoughtful gift ever bestowed upon downtown Minneapolis.
Getting to the game
The early 1970s were clearly the nadir of pedestrian-focused infrastructure. This 1972 proposal for a domed stadium/parking ramp ("A giant flying saucer" is how it was described in the Minneapolis Tribune) was designed for 65,000 football fans and 5,100 cars. Even though it would have been located in downtown Minneapolis — close to the current site of Target Field — would anyone have been able to actually walk to this $49 million concrete monstrosity?
Postscript: The Metrodome, not exactly a paragon of pedestrian-friendly design, materialized in 1982 on the opposite side of downtown. Its 2016 replacement, U.S. Bank Stadium, makes a much greater effort to connect to its immediate surroundings.
Driving the city crazy
Yeah, what Minneapolis needed was another freeway. Interstate 335 was designed to be a 2.8-mile shortcut connecting I-94 and I-35W, following a path just north of downtown. Proposed in 1962, the plan was comatose by 1975, the result of years of sustained neighborhood opposition.
While the actual roadway never materialized, land was cleared. Seventy single-family homes, 23 duplexes, 25 multiunit buildings and 35 business structures were razed, at a cost of $10 million in federal money.
Postscript: The good news is that most of that space eventually went to housing and parks. The project's remaining $70 million was eventually well-spent elsewhere, including the Hennepin Avenue suspension bridge over the Mississippi River and the busway linking the University of Minnesota's Minneapolis and St. Paul campuses.