Staircases are having a moment.
Two of the buzziest movies now in theaters boast attention-getting stairway scenes, in both cases on staircases so long they barely seem real. In "Joker," it's Joaquin Phoenix's title character, doing a bonkers dance on stairs in the Bronx in a scene so iconic that the location is now a clogged tourist attraction. In "Parasite," it's a never-ending series of South Korean staircases that the film's central characters descend during a torrential downpour.
The "Parasite" sequence comes during the movie's climax as an impoverished family desperately races from the luxurious home of their wealthy employers down multiple flights of stairs to their subterranean home, which is being flooded with sewage. Staircases, like bridges, almost always function as a metaphor for a space that is in between two worlds — in this case, a world of privilege and a world of poverty — and the lengthy, sodden "Parasite" scene forces us to descend, along with the family, from a carefree world into a world without hope.
That's not even the only staircase in "Parasite." In the luxurious home, there's also a secret passage that descends to another lair for the poor. It's safe to say the drama, favored to win this year's foreign film Oscar, is obsessed with stairs, as is director Bong Joon-ho, who has been quoted as saying, "I'm a lover of stairs" because of their metaphoric possibilities.
He's not the only one. As our list of the best cinematic stairway scenes shows, the movies have been stair-crazy from the beginning:
1. "Battleship Potemkin" (1925)
Every staircase scene owes a debt to this silent masterpiece, the granddaddy of them all. Sergei Eisenstein is one of the Russian directors who invented the language of film, particularly in the area of editing. Many of those techniques are on view in the Odessa Steps scene, featuring Cossacks firing on unarmed civilians, including a woman who loses her grip on her pram and watches in horror as it careens down the steps. As in "Parasite," it's a scene in which the stairs emphasize class differences. Brian De Palma paid homage to "Potemkin" with his own out-of-control baby carriage flying down a staircase in the midst of a hail of bullets in "The Untouchables." But Eisenstein's work is the standard, an early example of what can happen when you edit together a series of images at a rapidly accelerating pace: suspense and horror.
2. "Psycho" (1960)