So let me get this straight. 60s Monday. Slush late Tuesday. Subzero windchills Wednesday morning. Then 60s next weekend with a shot at 70 Sunday and T-storms in a week? Make it make sense. We’ve had mild blips of weather during previous winters, but I can’t remember anything quite like this.
According to Dr. Mark Seeley, 75% of days since Dec. 1 have been warmer than average, statewide. Twice as many days above 32 at MSP than normal during meteorological winter at MSP (61 and counting). Welcome to the warmest winter since modern-day records started back in 1871.
Monday’s forecast calls for shorts and low 60s. The record high of 64 at MSP may be broken. Temperatures tumble through the 40s into the 30s Tuesday as winds gust to 30 mph, and we may be brushed by a coating of slush Tuesday night. Wednesday will feel like January, with numbing sunshine and low 20s.
And then spring returns. While the western U.S. stays cold and wet, warm winds boost our highs into the 60s next weekend. Please. Send. Help.