Q: The vice president I report to is hard to get in touch with. She used to be more accessible but now she skips our catch-up meetings and isn't good about answering my e-mails.
My best tactic is to catch her in hallways between meetings for impromptu questions. Now that we are all working from home, I've lost this opportunity. What can I do to get the decisions I need?
Les, 38, operations director
A: Rethink what you believe you need from her.
Realistically, you are not going to change her. And, as you move up in an organization you need to become more self-reliant.
That's not to say that her behavior is good. At the very least it's rude.
However, it does free you to step up and lead your part of the business.
Reading between the lines, this may be her objective. When you were first in your role, she may have been being more available to provide support.