This is a response to recent statements by Pope Benedict XVI regarding the use of condoms as a method of stopping the spread of AIDS:
A Continent on Fire
Response to recent statements by Pope Benedict XVI regarding the use of condoms as a method of stopping the spread of AIDS
Seriously? Using condoms will increase the AIDS problem in Africa? Given that approach, I imagine that the Vatican and the Pope, with all due respect, might also think that a fire extinguisher is a bad idea – after all, perhaps the fire was the result of a natural act of God. In this case, it's not a house on fire, it's a continent burning down.
Seventy percent of the AIDS cases in this world have occurred in Africa. Africa has the highest death rates and greatest number of orphans due to AIDS. African countries face further destabilization as an entire generation of the population is wiped out from AIDS-related illness. Institutions are being destroyed as companies have to hire two workers for every job, knowing one will likely die from AIDS. And now we face condemnation for the one practical tool we know that can help. Condoms are a proven, useful tool in helping to put out the "fire" that is the result of an epidemic of AIDS.
Until we stop this epidemic, families will continue to be destroyed by AIDS. Families will take the brunt of this devastating approach if the Pope's comments are followed literally. Once this dangerous message gets legs, and no doubt it will, we will see progress made in the fight against new HIV transmissions turned back. Women who "follow the rules" and remain abstinent until marriage will continue to become infected as the result of their husbands seeking sexual company on the side as they have to travel far from home, often months at a time, to seek employment. Or perhaps the women will be the sexual prey of too many unending wars. Or perhaps the couple simply wants to assure themselves until they're able to access HIV testing that they remain AIDS-free.
Regardless of what happens, had condoms been widely promoted, trusted and used, we can cut the rate of new infections at the beginning of these chains of infection. Stop one infection and you stop thousands. We don't have a vaccine against AIDS. We don't have an effective female-controlled method to block HIV. All we have is education about how to reduce risk and that includes how to properly and consistently use a condom. And thankfully we have condoms. To give strength to the lies and misinformation that "condoms don't work" or "HIV can get through a condom" will only fuel further HIV transmission around the world. No one is arguing that abstinence is the safest choice. For many, it's the right choice, but for only a few is it a permanent choice. If it were, well who would be reading this?
Further, it's a choice that over a person's lifetime generally has a 100 percent failure rate since most choose to be sexually active at some point. The time to learn about how a condom works is not five minutes after you've made the decision to become sexual and your partner is there ready and able. Credible study after study has shown that teaching how to properly use condoms neither promotes sexual behavior or increases sexual risk. This is a public health issue and, regardless of each individual's right to choose their own faith, there is no room for inaccurate statements about how to prevent a devastating disease. I have faith that people are smarter than leaders in power believe. Here in Minnesota despite a rapid growth in the number of individuals living with HIV, we have kept the rate of new HIV infections low through targeted prevention education and support services for those living with HIV. And those who know their status work hard to prevent any further transmission. Give us humans a break. We can make smart choices. Using condoms to protect against a deadly disease is just that, a smart choice. Whether the Pope says so or not.